Jesus spoke of the Broad Road and the Narrow Road. Many Christians prefer the third, middle road. But is the third road actually a road?
Probably you have never looked at a man and exclaimed, “There goes a hypocrite!” But as the prey sought by the hunter leaves a trail that can be identified and followed, just as surely does the hypocrite leave a set of tracks by which he may be marked. (Caution: the hypocrite may be you, yourself.)
Life here on earth is a battleground for the Christian. We face three bitter enemies—the world, the flesh, and the devil. Only through the power of God can we overcome these giants.
What does Salvation consist of? Can we experience all aspects of Salvation in this life?
Addictions: defined,explained, warned against...and best of all, HOPE offered for freedom from the slavery of addictions!
All mankind was born into a world dark with sin. But there came a day when the Source of Light sent the Light into this dark world. Now we may choose to walk in the light--with Him.
Water: a basic human need. Does it matter HOW the needed water is located? Does God's Word have any thing to say on the subject of water dowsing/witching? A thoughtful look at this perplexing topic, and some questions raised to which no answers are given....and yet, Biblical direction is found.
One of the alarming trends in modern Christianity is the loss of holiness: the absence of a Bible-based, God-honoring expression in the daily lives of professing believers in Christ. True Christianity is not just talk, but also a walk--a way of life. God is still calling His children to holiness!
Professional sports are driven by idolatry, immorality, lust and greed. What does this mean to the disciple of Jesus?
Who are you? Take a long look into the mirror of God's Word to discover who you really are. And the person you are choosing to be has everything to do with where you are going in life.
We live in an age where there is vast information at our fingertips. What are the dangers of the web and radio? Are we being caught in a trap of false information?
Learn what it means to be truly young and free.