Our Vision

The vision of Anabaptist Resources is to present and promote the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. We recognize that some things in life never change, like God's gift of salvation and His desire for His children to be obedient to Him; and some things in life do change, such as technology. Therefore, we want to take the opportunities of this digital age to present an unchanging God to those who seek Him. It is the desire of Anabaptist Resources to build a network of contributors, publishers, translators, content reviewers, etc. to get free Gospel literature into the hands of people who want it. We believe that through the use of the internet and digital text we may be able to go places that are difficult or even impossible to go with printed literature, due to local regulations or simply the remoteness of the area. We intend to provide material that is Biblically sound, to provide direction and insight to those who are seeking Truth, and to encourage believers at home or abroad.