How can a wife fill her place as God intends?
A happy marriage sounds like a dream come true! But for far too many husbands and wives, the dream becomes a nightmare instead. If they will make the choice to follow the instructions of the One who designed marriage, they may still know the beauty of a marriage that glorifies Him.
There is no question that our conversation has much bearing on the witness and testimony that we leave with others. As Christians, should we be using “kids” in referring to children, or “the old man/lady” in reference to older people, or parents?
Our lives should make the gospel of Jesus Christ beautiful and attractive to the lost. This will happen as we follow the instructions God has given for the young people in the church.
Why is family worship necessary? Or important? Don’t our children hear enough Bible teaching at church? How can we make family devotional time relevant, and hold the interest of the varied levels of age and understanding?
The importance of parents in the lives of their children cannot be overstated. But the contribution of grandparents is also of great value. There are some qualities that should mark the lives of those who serious about being good grandparents.
A friend is someone you trust and respect for who they are, not for what they can do for you. Friendship is one of the things that makes life worth living.
In a world where most homes are in shambles a stable, contented family is rare. Your family does not have to be that way though. When every person accepts the role God has planned for them in the home it is a peaceful happy place.
The “evolution” of humanity continues, and another hint of expanded sexual freedom is in the air. Should we celebrate? This article investigates the divine perspective on the modern move to comfort the homosexual and redefine sexual boundaries.
In the ever-expanding list of disorderly behaviors identified by psychologists, what should a Christian parent believe? Do we change the basic Biblical child-training beliefs we have been taught? A brief look at several disorders, and a call to raise families according to the truths of the Bible.
The generation gap has been a problem for years. Parents complain that they can't reason with teenagers; they won't listen to advice. Teenagers say their parents are unsympathetic and don't understand them. The principles in God's Word still apply though to these problems of today.
Children come into this world thinking only of one thing: me, me, me! However, somehow children must learn that they are here to be of service to others. Their mentality must take a 180-degree turn... and the challenge for helping developing this mindset rests on their parents. How do we do it?
The person who writes for a Conservative Mennonite publisher faces one extremely important question. How can I make my story leave a proper Christian witness, give it a Scriptural flavor, and have it turn out “right” while still keeping it realistic?
If human life is created by God, in His own likeness, it must be highly valued. Since God is the author of life, it is His prerogative to decide the beginning and the ending of it. We accept His standard as our own and protect the precious lives He has placed in our care.